Choose Your Practitioner

How to choose your Practitioner?

This section will provide with enough information to be able to identify best practices and find proper facilitator for your experience.

How would you choose a physician? Now a days is what the insurance provides, right? or whoever receives you at the hospital? But when you have the opportunity to truly choose, how do you make the decision? When its about your health it is harder to make a decision. Googling helps but then how do confirm? Usually is by information handed mouth to mouth, the person works on certain institution, or has certain credentials.

To find a Toad Practitioner shouldn’t be different, but this guild is still new and sometimes it hard to find someone with enough experience or even finding information related to the practice itself. Mouth to mouth information might lead to incorrect information and sometimes it is not enough information to decide.

Thankfully you found this course, and therefore you are able to ask the right questions for the answers that you are looking for.

The first thing to do is to find clarity about what you are looking for. Sometimes there are problems related to certain categories that might be approached differently, so someone with addictions background practices might have different approach as to someone with sexual trauma backgrounds.

Connect with the human behind the practitioner. Did that person overcome the problems you are dealing with or maybe has studies related to your needs?

I believe that all humans, are learning to deal with certain parts of human experiences. So do not assume that because they are facilitating Toad Medicine have already figured out life. But you might learn about someone else’s previous experiences.

Do not take decision based on what you have found on the web or social media, or because they are members of certain ethnic groups. They usually have other humans that vouch for their practice like: other users that might have been hold space by this person or other practitioners that might have teach them before.

Find someone you can trust and vibe with. To do so, you must know that person. Maybe you will not bond or spent time as you will do with a close friend, but I am sure you will be able to connect to their human nature. Even behind the biggest rockstar there is a soul inside.

You do not need much to connect, but certainly if you can’t with little it will be harder if you need more attention. Take into consideration the availability of your facilitator, you might prefer someone with the time to work with regarding your integration after the session.

Try to find out how they learn their practices or what pains they have overcome. Maybe they have other skills or clinical practices or spiritual lifestyles that might deliver a better support for your experience.

Despite the credentials and good vibes a practitioner might present, find out how does your practitioner carries the Toad Medicine: How it was collected or handed by someone else? How will be delivered: Session or Ceremony? If you can answer these questions, you should be closer to know your practitioner and the source of your Toad Medicine.

Consequently, to choose on your facilitator you should be able to know the following information:

1. Time availability of the facilitator.

2. Disposal to discuss about their practice methods and learnings.

3. Network support (patients and teachers).

4. Other skills and practices.

5. Source of the Toad Medicine.

If you don’t, find another practitioner!

Find out what are the Best Practices and the Code of Ethic recognized by the Guild of Bufo Alvarius Therapist and other organizations on in this document [link].

How to prepare the Setting?

This is about the physical place where you are going to experience the immersion. Make sure you feel comfortable and be familiar with the surroundings and tools that are going to be close to you.

Avoid dangerous places, like being nearby water masses like rivers, seas, lakes, pools. Or sharp edges, dangerous instruments, machinery.

Most probably you are about to experience the most intimate moment with your own self. How would you like it to be? What about in calm and relaxing room? How about in nature? Is it a private place? Are other people going to be watching or even just passing through?

Whatever the circumstances if you cry or laugh, sit quietly or scream, would you feel comfortable?

Is it going to be quiet or will there be music? Is someone playing music live, or maybe is with a playlist and a speaker? What would you like to hear? Once that you are under the medicine realm, probably you will not care about so many details, anyways is better to be prepared. You facilitator will be in charge of the setting, therefore choose one that goes with your setting vibes.

Get to know the surrounding of the setting that will contain your Immersion, it will remain the same while you come back, be sure that nothing will bother you in the meantime. Remember this experience is about yourself and you only. Embrace the moment of taking care of yourself to the last detail.

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